A paragraph on Your/My School Diary

I am a student of the YWCA Higher Secondary Girls' School located at 11 Green Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Our school supplies a school diary to each student. It is a bound book containing a form of personal Memoranda at the beginning of the diary. Every student fills in the form. Then there are three pages meant for class routine. Names of the days are printed at the vertical left column and periods are mentioned at upper column horizontally. Class routine may change at different times of the year. So these three pages are kept for accommodating the new routines. The rest of the pages of the diary contain the printed pages with the heading 'Home work' at the top of the page and underneath the heading. There are sub-headings— Date, Subject & Task. Every student is to record the date, subjects taught and home works given at different periods of that date. Every student is to carry the diary with him/her at the school. This system of keeping a school diary is very useful to every student. I keep my diary regularly. It helps me much to prepare my lessons and to do my home works regularly. 

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