Tea preparation is not
difficult at all. At first water is boiled and tea leaves are dropped in the
water. The liquid is called liquor. The liquor is then poured in a cup and then
sugar and milk are added in it. Thus we get a delicious cup of tea. Tea is a
refreshing drink. Most of the people drink tea to get rid of fatigue. It has also
much medicinal properties. It is a very effective anti-oxidant that can save us
from many diseases like cancer.
Researchers have also found that four cups of tea per day can reduce the
risk of heart disease to a great extent. As a result it can reduce the risk of
heart failure.
Tea helps our economy
too. Bangladesh earns a lot of foreign exchange every year by exporting tea.
Tea garden and factories employ a lot of workers. Many people are also employed
indirectly in the business of tea. In this way tea industry contributes in
reducing unemployment problems in Bangladesh.